Successfully Conquering Various Gultor Materials, Kasad Receives Honorary Anti-Terror Brevet
Army Chief of Staff (Kasad) General TNI Maruli Simanjuntak, M.Sc. received the Honorary Anti-Terror Brevet from the Counter-Terror Unit (Satgultor) 81 Kopassus, at the Kopassus Headquarters, Cijantung, Jakarta, Thursday 7 March 2024. (IST)

JAKARTA, Successfully traveled and conquered various Anti-Terror Management (Gultor) materials which became the prerequisite for obtaining the highest brevet in the TNI AD Special Forces Command (Kopassus) unit, Army Chief of Staff (Kasad) General Maruli Simanjuntak, M.Sc. received the Honorary Anti-Terror Brevet from the Anti-Terror Management Unit (Satgultor) 81 Kopassus, at the Kopassus Headquarters, Cijantung, Jakarta, Thursday 7 March 2024.

As is known, Kopassus is an elite troop in the ranks of the Indonesian Army who has special qualifications and has experience in carrying out various assignments and has always succeeded in each of these assignments. Thus, the awarding of this Anti-Terror Brevet is an acknowledgment of Kasad's dedication and commitment in raising a unit whose name is so respected by the world.

After receiving a brevet from Danjen Kopassus Maj. Gen. Deddy Suryadi, Kasad expressed his gratitude for the award given to him. As a leader of the Army and as a person, Kasad feels proud to be part of the Kopassus extended family, the elite unit where he served for 21 years.

"Today I am grateful to be able to get this award. Hopefully this (brevet of honor) can bring me closer to this Gultor unit," said Kasad.

For information, Satgultor 81 Kopassus is an elite unit in the Indonesian Army Kopassus which is famous for the courage of its soldiers, as well as the success of this unit in dealing with various terrorism situations quickly, precisely and successfully.

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