JAKARTA - A student from the Jakarta State University (UNJ) who received the Superior Student Jakarta Card (KJMU), Ni Made Puspita Dewi, could not help but feel sad when she found out that her name had been crossed out from the list of recipients of social assistance for education costs. How could she not, Dewi now only lives with her grandmother because her parents have died, she only relies on KJMU's assistance worth Rp. 9 million per semester in order to continue her college education. However, Dewi, who is now sitting in the 6th semester of her campus, is one of the thousands of student names that have been deleted in the recipients of KJMU phase 1 of 2024. In fact, she has been registered as a KJMU recipient since the second semester. "This is the first time I have been affected (deleted from the KJMU recipient). Usually I can continue, because I am an orphan. KK joins my grandmother, the recipient of the Jakarta Elderly Card social assistance who can't afford it," said Dewi when met at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, March 7. Dewi said that she and dozens of students had visited the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office of the Center for Personal Funding and Education Operations (P4OP) of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office to ask for clarity about the chaos of KJMU's data on Wednesday, March 6. Many parents of students have questioned why their children are recorded as being in the welfare ranking (desil) of the family group capable of being in the KJMU system. However, there was no answer they got at that time. "I went to P4OP yesterday, there were a lot of people whose results didn't match the reality. Then my parents cried. I went there myself, I didn't have my parents, complained myself, cried myself," said Dewi. "My father, before accompanying me to my graduation, had left me first. If I drop out of college, I feel very guilty to my father," he continued. However, today Dewi can breathe a sigh of relief. He and several students who received KJMU were invited to the DKI Jakarta City Hall to meet with the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono to discuss the issue. To the students, whose names had been dropped from the list of recipients, Heru asked them not to worry about the problem anymore because the DKI Provincial Government had taken steps as a solution. Heru admitted that there was an error in the system for determining KJMU recipients so that it removed thousands of students from the list of recipients. Heru also guaranteed that his party had re-entered the names of students who had previously been crossed out and promised to improve the data collection system for KJMU recipients.
"With this (meeting) I can be satisfied and relieved, I can talk to Mr. Heru about my complaints. The point is that those who have received (KJMU) can continue and these desils will be crossed-checked really," he added.

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