Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin said Ramadan 2024 or 1445 Hijri is the right momentum to strengthen the spirit of brotherhood after the dynamics that occurred during the 2024 General Election.

"Ramadan is always the right moment to strengthen our friendship, strengthen ukhuwah Islamiyah, brotherhood between Islamic believers, brotherhood between nations, and brotherhood among human beings," said the Vice President when delivering his remarks at the Tahrib Ramadan Setwapres event which was participated in the network in Jakarta, Thursday, March 7, was confiscated by Antara.

He said, the Indonesian nation is a pluralistic nation. This situation, he continued, must be realized and grateful together by caring for it to become a proud wealth.

"The Indonesian nation has just passed the 2024 election democracy party. Thank God, the 2004 election was carried out safely and peacefully," said the Vice President.

The vice president said that elections would certainly give rise to differences in choice and views, but the public should not allow elections to be the reason for the broken ties of brotherhood between fellow Muslims and fellow nations.

According to the Vice President, a strong brotherhood is a capital that is very much needed by the Indonesian people to continue to move forward to face various challenges and problems among various uncertainties.

"Humans cannot know the future, but we must continue to strive and be kind in thinking about all the decisions of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala (SWT)," said the Vice President.

The vice president invited the public to insert prayers during Ramadan for Indonesia's safety and progress.

To the participants of Tahrib Ramadan, the Vice President invited them to take advantage of the momentum of Ramadan as a means of self-conteminating and evaluating all the strengths and weaknesses that occurred.

"Moreover, humans are said by Allah, humans are created weakly so we need to depend on Allah, take refuge in Allah," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

Tahrib Ramadan Setwapres 1445 Hijriah was held at the Al Jauhari Garut Islamic Boarding School, West Java, as a means of gathering with employees within the Secretariat of the Vice President, Ministry of State Secretariat, and Cabinet Secretariat, in order to welcome Ramadan this year.

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