The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) evacuated and handled flood events that hit seven sub-districts in Cirebon Regency since Tuesday, March 5 evening. Head of BPBD Cirebon Regency Deni Nurcahya said the flood was caused by overflowing water discharge in a number of rivers, submerging residential areas with a height of about 20 centimeters to 2.5 meters.

Heavy rains with long durations in the Cirebon area caused the Ciberes, Cisanggarung, Cimanis, and Singaraja rivers to overflow, so as to submerge residents' houses," he said in Cirebon, Wednesday, March 6, which was confiscated by Antara. He said the seven sub-districts affected by the flood were Waled, Ciledug, Pauseman, Pangenan, Karangwareng, Babakan, and Pabedilan sub-districts.

Untuk Kecamatan Waled, pihaknya menerjunkan sejumlah personel yang dibantu tim gabungan dari berbagai instansi terkait guna mengevakuasi warga.Deni menyampaikan proses evakuasi menyasar ke Desa Ciuyah, Mekarsari, Gunungsari, dan beberapa wilayah di Kecamatan Waled yang terendam banjir. "BPBD mengirimkan dua perahu fiber dan tiga perahu karet untuk mengevakuasi warga,” ujarnya.Ia mengatakan dari hasil asesmen sementara di kecamatan ini terdapat 3.125 kepala keluarga (KK) atau 8.067 jiwa yang terdampak banjir serta ratusan warga mengungsi ke tempat lebih aman.

Deni ensured that the Cirebon Regency BPBD personnel were also deployed by six other sub-districts by combing the location, to ensure appropriate evacuation measures for residents affected by the flood. He added that the current conditions at some locations showed water inundating residential areas slowly receded. "The BPBD team is still conducting rapid assessments and trying to evacuate residents," he said.

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