Acting Regent Of Penajam Becomes Suspension Guarantee For Detention Of 9 Threateners For The Naratetama Airport Project In East Kalimantan
The exterior design of the Presidential Palace in the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan. (Instagram @nyoman_nuarta)

The North Penajam Paser (PPU) Regency Government (Pemkab) asked residents not to interfere with the construction of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN) following the arrest of nine suspects in threats against workers for the construction of Naratetama Airport.

Acting (Pj) PPU Regent Makmur Marbun said that currently the suspects had been detained. He admitted that he had applied for himself as a condition to guarantee the suspension of the nine suspects.

"For humanitarian reasons, because we want to enter Ramadan, we propose to postpone the detention of the suspect," he said in Penajam, East Kalimantan, Wednesday, March 6, as reported by Antara.

Marbun also asked residents to solve problems in PPU by deliberation and consensus.

"If there are problems, they should be conveyed according to regulations and regulations. Residents are asked not to create problems that can disrupt the development and development of the capital city of the archipelago," he said.

Kabid Humas Polda Kombes Pol Artanto menuturkan, jaminan dari Pj Bupati PPU sudah cukup kuat dan sudah dipelajari penyidik sebelum sembilan tersangka dikembalikan kepada keluarganya.Kendati sembilan tersangka mendapatkan penangguhan penahanan, proses hukum tetap berlanjut serta wajib lapor kepada penyidik.Sebanyak sembilan tersangka yang merupakan Kelompok Tani Saloloang, Kelurahan Pantai Lango, Kecamatan Penajam, mengancam pekerja untuk menghentikan pekerjaan pembangunan Bandara Naratetama sisi udara zona 2 dengan membawa senjata tajam jenis mandau, sehingga para pekerja memutuskan untuk berhenti melakukan pekerjaannya.

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