JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asyari hopes that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) can meet with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to assist the re-election (PSU) in Kuala Lumpur, on March 10, 2024. This is because the neighboring country has a special policy related to other countries' political activities held there.The new rules from the Malaysian Government regarding the political activities of other countries in the neighboring country must first ask for permission three to six months earlier. KPU hopes that President Jokowi can facilitate the implementation of the PSU in Kuala Lumpur can be held on March 10. Because the recapitulation of vote counting in Malaysia is targeted to be completed on March 11. This is done to pursue the overall vote counting recapitulation target that can be completed on March 20, 2024. It is known that the recapitulation of vote counting abroad remains 1% because it has to be PSU in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is known that the PSU in Kuala Lumpur must be carried out because of the findings of the local election supervisory committee that found maladministration by the Foreign Election Committee (PPLN) Kuala Lumpur.

The KPU found an inflated list of permanent voters (DPT) of 78,000, which after the update turned out to be the number of DPTs who had the right to vote as many as 62,217 people. "The plan is that the PSU in Kuala Lumpur will use two methods, namely using a mobile ballot box (KSK) and at the TPS. Meanwhile, the recapitulation of vote counting in Malaysia is targeted for completion on March 11," explained Hasyim.

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