JAKARTA - The Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) faction rejects Presidential Decree No.10/2021 which was signed by President Joko Widodo on February 2.

One of the contents of the Presidential Decree regulates the legalization of liquor (Alcohol) in Bali, East Nusa Tenggara, North Sulawesi to Papua.

According to PKB faction member Syaikhul Islam, customary beliefs cannot be used as an excuse to legalize the circulation of liquor. In fact, he said, that reason had indirectly injured the Indonesian nation, which was based on Pancasila.

“Nor should respect for certain beliefs or customs be an excuse. This is a Pancasila state, respect for one belief must not hurt other beliefs”, said Syaikhul Islam, Monday, March 1.

Also, he continued, the refusal to legalize alcohol was based on several considerations. In particular, to protect the future of Indonesia's young generation.

"Legalization of alcohol can destroy future generations of the nation, the negative effects are real, increase crime, can be lost of the generation", said the member of Commission VII DPR.

The Head of Religion and Da'wah Division of the PKB DPP reminded the government to immediately revoke the Presidential Regulation. This is because the future generations of the nation are much more important than the nominal investment.

"Moreover, it is just simply attracting investment. Whether the future of this nation's generation is willing to be exchanged for investment is not clear, but there are still many more promising investment spaces", said Syaikhul.

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