JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud MD, Cyril wary Hakim or Chico Hakim accused Ganjar Pranowo of reporting to the Eradication Commission (KPK) by Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) as a political movement. He suspects that this step is related to the pressure to issue the right to fraud in the 2024 General Election.
It is known, IPW reported allegations of corruption allegedly committed by the former President Director of Bank Jateng with the initials S to the KPK. Ganjar, who is a former Governor of Central Java, was also dragged into the report submitted on Tuesday, March 5.
"It was a coincidence that Pak Ganjar, the first person to launch the right to inquiry, then this report happened," Chico said when contacted by reporters, Tuesday, February 5.
Chico assessed that many parties were disturbed by Ganjar's attitude, who often voiced election fraud. “ And our assessment, our allegation is dislike from various parties and then encourages them to carry out political movements to report Bank Jateng then has an impact with Pak Ganjar,” he said.
“ This is something we see forced, especially if we look at the official website of IPW, the functions are revealed there. We do not see any function of reporting something that is not related to the Police to the KPK,” Chico continued.
As previously reported, Sugeng said that the alleged corruption at Bank Jateng had occurred since 2014-2023 when he reported it to the KPK. He said the mode used was cashback receipt from an insurance company that provides credit coverage to local bank creditors.
"The “Cashback is estimated to be 16 percent of the premium value. It is allocated to three parties," Sugeng said when contacted by reporters after reporting, Tuesday, March 5.
Sugeng detailed that 5 percent was given to Central Java Bank in both central and branch and 5.5 percent for shareholders consisting of local governments.
"The 5.5 percent (of the remaining, red) was given to the controlling shareholder of Bank Jateng, which is suspected to be the head of the Central Java region with the initials GP," said Sugeng.
"It is suspected that this happened from 2014 to 2023. The amount is large if all of them are added up, maybe more than Rp. 100 billion for the 5.5 billion. Therefore, it is not reported that this could be suspected as a criminal act," he continued.
This report, called Sugeng, has been received by the KPK. Two officials have been reported, he said.
"So first S, the former President Director of Bank Jateng 2014-2023, then also GP," said Sugeng.
Meanwhile, Ganjar denied accepting gratuities or bribes as reported by Sugeng. He said, there was not a penny of money into his pocket from Bank Jateng.
"I never received gratification like he reported," said Ganjar when contacted by VOI via text message, Tuesday, March 5.
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