Chairman of the DPP NasDem Party, Sugeng Suparwoto, emphasized that his party faction in the DPR RI will move to apply for the right of inquiry to investigate allegations of fraud in the 2024 General Election without waiting for PDIP as the initiator.

However, Sugeng said that his party was still overseeing the process of calculating the 2024 election votes. The application for the right of inquiry, he said, would be sent after the announcement of the election results by the KPU which was held until March 20.

"Please underline it. Without PDIP, NasDem will take the path or it will be close, but we will continue as of March 21 with legal empirical evidence," said Sugeng at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 5.

Moreover, according to Sugeng, the requirements for the number of DPR members who initiate the right of inquiry are at least 25 people and more than one faction can be carried out by the Change Coalition parties.

"Obviously our inquiry will be proposed after 21 (March) later. NasDem will be proactive, if it was linked, is it waiting for PDIP's attitude? No. Why? Because 25 people are enough for us with PKS, we and PKB alone are enough," said Sugeng.

On that occasion, Sugeng asked all parties not to assume that the right of inquiry was proposed because his party did not accept defeat from the vote acquisition of the 2024 presidential election. The right of inquiry, for NasDem, is the constitutional right of members of the DPR.

"We, NasDem, who carry Anies and Muhaimin will also take the political and angket path, this is a political path. Don't make it a scourge as if we don't accept people because people lose. That's not it," he explained.

Previously, three parties from the Amendment Coalition officially announced that they were supporting the discourse on the right to inquiry to be rolled out in the DPR RI to investigate allegations of fraud in the 2024 General Election.

This attitude of support was decided in a meeting between the three party secretary generals, namely the Secretary General of NasDem Hermawi Taslim, PKB Secretary General Hasanuddin Wahid, and PKS Secretary General Habib Aboe Bakar at NasDem Tower on Thursday, February 22.

"Our spirit as a complete unit, 3 parties that are solid in coalition. Our spirit is like the spirit conveyed by Mr. Anies, we are ready together with the PDIP initiator to roll out (rights) of inquiry," said Hermawi at NasDem Tower, Cikini, Central Jakarta.

Furthermore, Hermawi said that the three parties carrying Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar were waiting for the PDI-P (PDIP) to initiate the application for the right of inquiry. Given, this discourse was originally echoed by the presidential candidate promoted by PDIP, Ganjar Pranowo.

"So our position is that the data is ready for small things, just waiting for the follow-up. PDIP friends as the biggest party as the initiator, what will happen next," he said.

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