JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police has started carrying out Operation Safety 2024 throughout Indonesia, today. This operation lasted for 14 days.

Head of the Ops Korlantas Polri Kombes Eddy Djunaedi said there were 11 types of violations that would be dealt with in the operation.

First, a violation in the form of driving while using a cellphone. Then, underage riders ride more than one person, motorists do not wear SNI helmets and car drivers do not wear safety belts or safety belts.

Then, violations in the form of going against the current, exceeding the speed limit, containing more than vehicle capacity, Brong exhaust motorbikes, using strobos in inappropriate vehicles, and the use of special or confidential number plates.

If there are motorists who violate, the technical action will use an electronic ticketing mechanism or E TLE.

"The ETLE ticket is static and mobile," said Eddy Thursday, February 29.

The Regional Police will carry out Operation Keselamatan 2024, including Polda Metro Jaya. This operation was carried out to reduce the number of traffic accidents.

Deputy Chief of Metro Jaya Police Brigadier General Suyudi Ario Seto said the cause of the rampant occurrence was the lack of public awareness with traffic rules.

Thus, with the implementation of the 2024 Safety Operation, it is hoped that the public will obey the rules in driving.

Regarding the technical implementation of the 2024 Safety Operation in the jurisdiction of the Polda Metro Jaya, it is said that mobile action will be carried out or no centralized raids will be carried out.

This means that police officers will patrol all jurisdictions of the Polda Metro Jaya. If a violation is found, action will be taken.

"There is no (one location raid), so it's just running mobile, normally," he said.

If in the 2024 Safety Operation which took place from March 4 to March 17, it was found that there was a raid carried out by members of the police, Suyudi asked the public to immediately report it. So, it can be dealt with immediately.

"No one is stationary (a raid at one point) if the violation finds such a violation, you can report it to the Traffic Unit. If there are violations that may be suspected by the person reporting to the Head of the Program," he continued.

Meanwhile, specifically for the Safety Operation carried out by the Polda Metro Jaya, around 2,939 joint personnel were involved.

"Involving 2,939 personnel from the National Police 2,659 personnel, from the TNI 80 personnel, from the Transportation Agency 30 personnel and Satpol PP 30 personnel," said Suyudi.

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