The General Elections Commission (KPU) responded to the news of an intervention from the State Palace to pass the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) to Senayan.

This news broke in line with the increase in votes for PSI in the 2024 Legislative Election.

KPU commissioner, Idham Kholik said, the implementation from voting to recapitulation involved many parties. He said the implementation went well.

"The implementation of the voting, counting and recapitulation of votes involves many parties, involving many KPPS who have completed their work very well until early morning," said Idham, Sunday, March 3.

Idham added that the series of implementations also involved witnesses. Therefore, the public can also judge it as its implementation.

"Involving witnesses and this is done openly. Well, later it can be judged what it is like, and we believe colleagues are working in an atmosphere of freedom and openness," he said.

"In holding elections, not only the KPU as the organizer, but also the Bawaslu and even in the Election Law there is such a thing as registrant monitoring," he added.

Meanwhile, Idham Holik on the same occasion also ensured that the main reference for the vote acquisition was fixed based on the photo document for the Model C Result Plano form, although the figures written on the KPU page were different.

Regarding the official results of the votes acquired by the election participants based on tiered recapitulation ranging from PPK, district/city KPU, provincial KPU to KPU.

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