JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo mentioned the recent cases of bullying or bullying when opening the 2024 PGRI XXIII Congress at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta, Saturday, March 2. On that occasion, Jokowi was initially grateful to the teachers for having helped educate the nation's children. However, the president also warned the teachers to make schools a safe home for students. Because, the head of state is worried that cases of bullying have resulted in casualties. "Thank you to the teacher who continues to equip students with various knowledge and character. Because the safe and comfortable school environment is very important to produce excellent students, it is very important," said President Jokowi during his remarks at the opening of the 2024 PGRI XXIII Congress, Saturday, March 2. "Because I was really worried, the end of this case of bullying, there was a case of violence, harassment, and even taking lives," he continued. Jokowi emphasized that these cases should not happen again, let alone be allowed to drag on. Therefore, the President reminded teachers to increase awareness and concern for their students.

"Dan sekolah harus menjadi safe house, rumah yang aman bagi siswa siswa kita untuk belajar, untuk bertanya, untuk berkreasi, untuk bermain, untuk bersosialisasi. Jangan sampai ada siswa yang ketakutan di sekolah. Jangan sampai ada siswa yang tertekan di sekolah dan tidak betah di sekolah," tegas Jokowi. Presiden Jokowi mengatakan, dirinya menaruh harapan besar kepada bapak dan ibu guru untuk menjadi ujung tombak menciptakan sekolah yang nyaman dan aman bagi para siswa. "Utamakan pencegahan, utamakan hak anak kita, utamanya para korban. Biasanya kasus bullying ditutup tutupi untuk nama baik sekolah, yang baik adalah menyelesaikan dan memperbaiki," pungkasnya.

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