PAPUA - Jayapura Police have named 15 suspects in the case of assaulting members of the National Police in Doyo, Jayapura Regency, Papua.

Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus WA Maclarimboen said the suspects came from 31 people who were detained after the incident. Including YN (36) and YS (43), a married couple (couple) who held a birthday party around the incident.

"It is true that of the 31 people detained shortly after the attack that took place on Wednesday (February 28) in the early hours of the morning at BTN Pond Doyo Baru Village, Waibu District, investigators have named 15 people as suspects including a married couple who held a birthday party," he said in Sentani, Friday, March 1, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that of the 15 police suspects, they divided the two groups based on different articles.

A total of 13 suspects with the initials JM, KJ, MW, PI, YA, AS, HD, YY, SS, YW, KA, JK, VM were subject to Article 212 of the Criminal Code Jo and Article 214 Paragraphs 1 and 2 to 1e of the Criminal Code with the threat of punishment from 1 year 4 months to a maximum of 8 years 4 months in prison.

Meanwhile, the other 2 suspects, namely the couple, were subject to Article Tipiring 503 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code junto Article 510 paragraph 1 to 1 with a penalty of 14 days in prison and a fine of IDR 225,000.

"The plan is that Friday (March 1) the trial will be held at the Jayapura District Court, but how it develops there has been no report from the members," he said.

Fredrickus explained that the case began with a report related to a birthday party held by a couple in Doyo until midnight with annoying music sounds.

After receiving the report, members of the Jayapura Police then came to the venue at around 04.00 WIT in the morning to appeal, but shortly after arriving at the TKP, residents attacked members of the Police.

It is true when he arrived at the crime scene and was about to give an appeal to several people who were under the influence of alcohol to provoke the masses, resulting in a stone-throwing action.

"As a result, seven members of the Jayapura Police were injured, including a supervisory officer who was abused using blunt objects," said Fredrickus.

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