KEDIRI - Kediri City Police continue to investigate the case of deadly student abuse that occurred at the PPTQ Al Hanifiyyah Islamic Boarding School in Kranding Village, Mojo District, Kediri Regency. Most recently, the police examined the board of the boarding school and the school.

"We are conducting this examination to gather information about the incident and clarification of the examination. We will explore how the knowledge from the school or boarding school (pesantren) is," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kediri City Police, AKP Nova Indra Pratama, Wednesday, February 28.

Nova said further investigations were important, in order to thoroughly investigate the case.

The goal is to dig up information about incidents of persecution by four students against a student from Banyuwangi to death.

Until now, Nova said that he had examined eight witnesses. Starting from friends of the victim, to doctors who handle the victim.

"There are also witnesses from friends at the hut and also school friends. Then from medicine both in Kediri and in Banyuwangi," he said.

The motive for the deadly persecution, continued Nova, started from a misunderstanding. Then they fought, and there was persecution of the victim.

"We are still investigating more deeply, including the victim's family. Including tracing with witness friends who may see, or know and include us from the confessions of the suspects," he concluded.

Previously reported, a student from Banyuwangi became a victim of persecution to death in a hut in Kediri. There are four suspects in the case, namely the initials MN, 18, a resident of Sidoarjo, MA, 18, from Nganjuk, AF, 16, a resident from Denpasar Bali, and AK, 17, a resident from Surabaya.

The victim is known to have died on Thursday, February 22, 2024. However, the suspects only reported to the board of the cottage on Friday, February 23, 2024. The victim was then sent home to Banyuwangi on Saturday morning, February 24, 2024. The victim's family was shocked when they saw the body, because it was full of bruises, wounds and bleeding.

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