JAKARTA - The General Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) handled 46 alleged criminal violations of the 2024 General Election.

"As of February 27, 2024, Bawaslu conducted an initial study. Based on a study on the report and findings, Bawaslu registered all alleged violations," said Bawaslu chairman Rahmat Bagja in a written statement, Tuesday, February 27.

Bawaslu registered all alleged violations based on a study on reports and findings to Bawaslu until today, February 27, 2024.

"Bawaslu carried out clarification and final studies, the results of which 40 files were declared violations, and 4 were not election criminal violations. Meanwhile, 2 reports or findings are still in the clarification and final study stages," explained Bagja.

He detailed that the distribution of alleged election criminal violations included: 6 cases in South Sulawesi, 4 cases in Riau, 4 cases in Central Java, 2 cases in NTB, 2 cases in North Sulawesi, 2 cases in North Maluku, 1 case in the Riau Islands, 1 case in DKI Jakarta, 1 case in South Kalimantan, 1 case in Gorontalo.

The trends of alleged election criminal violations include:

Bawaslu emphasized that he would follow up on reports of alleged violations which would then follow up according to the applicable mechanism for enforcing the election law and justice.

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