The South Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda) thwarted an attempt to smuggle 1 kilogram (kg) of crystal methamphetamine from Batam which was brought by a man with the initials AR via air transportation.

"So, the suspect who brought himself drugs via flight from Batam to Banjarmasin on the evening of Sunday (February 25)," said the Director of Drug Investigation at the South Kalimantan Police, Senior Commissioner of the Kelana Jaya Police when releasing the case in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Tuesday, February 27, as reported by Antara.

Kelana explained that the disclosure of the case stems from public information regarding the plan to send drugs from the Sumatra network to Banjarmasin.

Then the team led by the Head of Sub-Directorate II of the Narcotics Directorate of the South Kalimantan Police AKBP Zaenal Arifien conducted a scientific surveillance investigation.

After obtaining detailed data accuracy, a plan for the execution of the arrests was then carried out.

When the target arrived and left the Syamsudin Noor International Airport area of Banjarmasin in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, the police carried out an ambush and search.

As a result, officers found a large package of methamphetamine in a black package wrapped in a black sarong in a backpack carried by the suspect.

"The suspect is a courier from Bireuen Regency, Aceh, who was promised a reward of Rp. 20 million to bring methamphetamine to Banjarmasin," said Kelana.

The results of the network mapping, Kelana, said the suspect was still connected to a controlled dealer from Malaysia.

As for drug buyers in Banjarmasin, the police continue to seek information from the suspect who is now detained and charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) subsidiary Article 112 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

For the success of the disclosure, Kelana expressed her gratitude to the community and all those who have helped provide information.

Likewise, with the hard work of its members in the field, Kelana gave high appreciation and continued to inflame the spirit of never giving up uncovering drug trafficking in order to save the next generation of the nation.

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