The Prosecutor's Office detained MR (40), Head of Gemel Village (Kades), Jonggat District, Central Lombok after being named a suspect in the alleged corruption case of village funds for the 2019-2022 fiscal year.

"Today we have named the Head of Gemel Village as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of village funds," said Head of Special Investigation Unit of the Central Lombok District Attorney (Kejari), Bratha Hariputra in Praya, NTB, Tuesday, February 27, which was confiscated by Antara.

The case of alleged corruption that cost the state finances Rp900 million was reported by residents at the end of 2022 and quite a number of witnesses who had been examined.

"There are quite a lot of witnesses who have been examined. Today we immediately detained them to facilitate the process of further investigation," he said.

He said that from the Inspectorate Inspection Result Report (LHP), it was found that state losses of around Rp. 900 million were more in the management of village funds from 2019-2022.

"The state's losses reached more than Rp900 million," he said.

In this case, there are currently dozens of witnesses who have been examined, starting from the Gemel Village Head, BUMDes management, the Activity Implementation Team (TPK), Village Apparatus and several partners working on various programs in the village.

"One example of state losses is a program that is budgeted for using village funds, but is carried out using the council's aspirations funds," he said.

In addition, several physical development programs that have been implemented do not match the volume, this is based on the results of direct checks with the Inspectorate.

"From the results of the examination, the money was used for personal gain," he said.

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