SUKABUMI - Dozens of students from two schools in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, namely SDN Nangewer and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Cisarua, are suspected of having been poisoned from snacks in the form of snacks.
Information gathered from the Sukabumi Health Center, the number of students at SDN Nangewer who were suspected of being poisoned was 25 people, while students from MI Cisarua were 10 people.
"All students who have been poisoned have received treatment from the puskesmas. This poisoning incident was about to have a flag ceremony," said Head of SDN Nangewer, Apendi, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 26.
According to him, the suspicion of poisoning began when students were about to hold a ceremony, but suddenly some of them complained of dizziness, nausea, stomach pain to shortness of breath.
The teachers who saw the incident immediately provided assistance. Not long after one student also experienced the same symptoms so that the total reached 25 students.
After being traced, it turned out that before participating in the ceremony they first ate snacks sold by mobile vendors who were hanging out in front of the school. The snack costs Rp. 2,000 and tastes spicy.
Not wanting something to happen to dozens of students, the school immediately rushed them to the Sukabumi Health Center.
It turns out that not only from SDN Nangewer whose students are poisoned, but there are also 10 students of MI Cisarua who also have to receive medical treatment due to poisoning after eating the same snacks.
For this incident, Apendi emphasized that his party would further tighten supervision of the snacks of its students so that similar incidents do not happen again.
In addition, for the handling of cases of suspected mass poisoning, his party has fully handed over to the police.
Sukabumi Police Chief AKP Ujang Taan said his party had asked for information from mobile traders who sold the snacks and coordinated with the Sukabumi Health Center to find out the cause of this mass poisoning.
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