Jambi Police Intelligence and Security Unit checks prices and supplies of basic necessities in a number of markets and distributors in the local area to determine the stability of food staple prices ahead of Ramadan.

The Head of the Economic Unit of the Intelligence and Security Unit, Ipda Eko Saputra, said that the Jambi Police through the personnel of the Intelligence and Security Unit (Sat Intelkam) went directly to traditional markets and distributors to check the prices and availability of basic necessities.

"Monitoring and checking the prices of basic necessities in the market are the agenda for checking and monitoring basic food prices ahead of Ramadan next month," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 26.

From the results of the inspection at Talang Market, Banjar, East Jambi District, Jambi City, in general, the prices of a number of basic necessities are quite stable.

He said that commodities that experienced price changes include red chili prices which now touched Rp. 60 thousand per kg, shallots Rp. 34 thousand per kg and garlic Rp. 34 thousand per kilogram.

Meanwhile, from the results of monitoring with basic food distributors in the area, it is certain that the supply of basic necessities such as rice, sugar and vegetable oil is relatively safe. From the information he got, the availability of rice in Jambi still relies on production from South Sumatra.

This monitoring of prices and stock of basic necessities aims to anticipate a surge in the price of household needs such as basic necessities.

"We also hope that if there is an increase in prices, that is appropriate, don't exceed the existing market price, this can cause unrest in the community," he said.

Previously, the Jambi Regional Police had also checked the availability of rice through the local Bulog Warehouse.

Sub-Directorate I Indagsi of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) ensures that the availability of rice during Ramadan is sufficient for the community.

The Jambi Regional Police guarantees that with the available availability, the demand for rice in Jambi is safe for the next six months.

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