JAKARTA - The Damage Control Simulator (DCS) building located at the Fleet II Training Command (Colate) was finally inaugurated, after construction began in 2022.

Kasal Admiral TNI Dr. Muhammad Ali explained the purpose of establishing the Damage Control Simulator Building. So that soldiers have confidence in handling vehicles on board.

"So you can be more confident in carrying out shipping tasks and be able to handle all kinds of emergencies on board," said Kasal Admiral TNI Dr. Muhammad Ali in his statement, Sunday, February 25.

According to Ali, this facility was created to improve the quality of its soldiers when they got the problem of dealing with leaks and fire emergencies.

"The training to save ships, control fires and leaks, as well as the dangers of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (Nubika) is a training categorized as high risk, therefore a simulator is needed that is close to its true condition," he said.

"With this simulator facility, it is hoped that all soldiers will be more professional and more confident in carrying out the task of sailing at sea with all types of KRI owned," he continued.

For information, the Damage Control Simulator which was inaugurated is a training facility for Indonesian Navy soldiers which is built on an area of 2,052 meters. This building stands at a height of four floors.

The construction of this facility began in November 2022 and was completed in December 2023.

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