KPK: Leadership Without Integrity So Meaningless
KPK (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Johanis Tanak said that not a few people claimed to have integrity but in fact the opposite was true. In fact, this value is important in a leadership.

Many people say integrity, but don't understand what integrity means," Johanis was quoted as saying in his written statement, Saturday, February 24.

Padahal tanpa integritas, lanjutnya, kepemimpinan menjadi tidak bermua. Justru integitas menjadi sebuah kunci dalam kepemimpinan.

Johanis said integrity must be a commitment with the state civil servants (ASN). Thus, quality bureaucracy can be realized in line with the application of legal and religious values.

However, he also reminded that this integrity should not be interpreted as narrowly only doing honest actions. "For the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), integrity is not only spoken but must be owned by every person," he said.

"This integrity is not only about honesty and sincerity, but also about commitment to upholding noble values and professional ethics in carrying out duties and responsibilities," concluded Tanak.

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