The witnesses who were presented at the corruption case trial of former Mayor of Bima Muhammad Lutfi revealed that there was a project inspection that was running at the Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) for the period 2021 to 2022.
This was conveyed by the Head of the Planning Subdivision of the Bima City PUPR Service, Arif Budiman, who was presented as a witness in Muhammad Lutfi's follow-up trial at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court, Friday, February 23.
"At that time, February 2021, I was ordered by the Head of Office, at that time Mr. Amin, told me to make a list of jobs (projects) in 2021 and 2022," Arif said as quoted by Antara.
He said the list of jobs was related to direct appointment projects and auctions with a total value of IDR 22 billion.
After making a list of jobs, Arif admitted that he again received orders from Amin to meet with Fahad, who at that time served as Head of the Cipta Karya Division at the Bima City PUPR Service, to coordinate the work list.
"Three months later, Pak Fahad asked me to come to his room. Bring a laptop," he said.
When with Fahad, Arif created a list of the names of the parties who will work on the project on the work list for the period 2021 to 2022.
"That was ordered by Mr. Fahad, I was told when the names of the people who will work on the project," he said.
After the list was completed, Arif again received an order from Amin to direct the parties listed on the work list to meet directly with the head of the related field.
"So, if any of them (names on the work list) come to me, I was asked to direct them directly to the fields that have projects. For example, project A in field A, I directed them there," said Arif.
After all the project work was completed, Arif admitted that he had again received orders from Amin as his supervisor to remove the list of jobs that included the name of the project implementer.
"If the data is in 2021, I will delete it at the end of the year. It's the same in 2022, delete it at the end of the year. That was ordered by Mr. Amin, the head of the district," he said.
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