Polda Metro Jaya denied that it had also confiscated Aiman Witjaksono's WhatsApp account in handling cases of alleged spreading false news or 'neutral police' hoaxes.

The objection was conveyed by the Head of Legal Affairs of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Leonardo Simamarta in the trial of the pretrial lawsuit at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, February 20. "That the petitioner's argument stating that the Respondent also confiscated the Petitioner's WhatsApp was an incorrect argument," said Leonardus.

Based on data on evidence, some of the items belonging to Aiman Witjaksono that were confiscated were only cellphones, simcards, Instagram accounts, and emails.

In addition, regarding the absence of a confiscation letter or a letter of approval for the confiscation of Aiman in accordance with Article 42 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code.

"That in the case of confiscation of the evidence owned by the Petitioner, the Respondent in carrying out the confiscation has given a letter of receipt of evidence, not a confiscation report, let alone a letter of determination of the confiscation," he said.

"Because the evidence listed in the determination of the confiscation from the South Jakarta District Court is only evidence in the form of a Xiaomi 11 T Pro cellphone. Meanwhile, other evidence in the form of 1 cellphone, 1 simcard, 1 Instagram account, 1 email account was confiscated after an examination of Aiman Adi Witjaksono's brother as a witness," continued Leonardus.

Aiman Witjaksono objected to the confiscation of his cellphone, email, and Instagram account. This is because there are important sources in question to protect sources.

"Investigators seem to be from my statement who do not want to provide information on my sources and then confiscate them, until finally investigators issue a request for confiscation," said Aiman.

Thus, Aiman decided to file a pretrial lawsuit to the South Jakarta District Court (PN) on Tuesday (6/2/2024) with number 25/Pid.Pra/2024/PN JKT.SEL.

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