JAKARTA Firmansyah, the uncle of the accident victim on the Casablanca Non-Toll Flyover (JLNT), Setiabudi, South Jakarta, revealed that the dead victim, Muhamad Arifin Ilham, was hit by a black Fortuner car from the opposite direction. Firmansyah's explanation illustrates that he and his nephew, went against the current in JLNT Casablanca. The reason was because there was a police raid at the end of the road.

The victim was desperate to resist the flow because he tried to avoid traffic raids on motorcyclists who often crossed JLNT Casablanca.

"So we went there (the direction of Tebet from Tanah Abang), suddenly from there (in front of the group of the victim's motorbike) there were opponents towards the motorbike. Then he said, there was a police, I was curious. I went there again, (it turned out) there was a police (the raid)," said Firmansyah, the victim's uncle when confirmed, Sunday, February 18.

Firmansyah admitted that he and the victim rode a different motorbike. The victim went with him to do a COD (cash on delivery) for the purchase of a motorcycle body. Although Firmansyah had banned the victim from participating, the victim still insisted.

"Then I went against right, very slowly. In front of him Masdon (his colleague), I was in the middle and behind my nephew. I walked slowly," he said.

However, Firmansyah did not explain where he and the victim did the COD of the goods. What is clear is that Firmansyah and the victim are about to return to their residence in the Cakung area, East Jakarta.

"(The road situation) Is indeed quiet, so that you can get back home quickly and rest. Go back to Cakung, Milling," he said.

Firmansyah admitted that he and the victim, who was none other than his nephew, were desperate to cross the JLNT route because they followed a number of motorcycle groups in front of him who first crossed the JLNT. He and his entourage also came from behind.

"Previously, many groups passed by JLNT. There were only three of us," he said.

However, when he saw the group of motorists in front of him suddenly stopped and turned around because there was a police raid. Firmansyah actually continued to go to ensure the police officers were there. However, after he saw the police at the JLNT location, he and the victim and his colleagues went around. They also walked the JLNT towards Tanah Abang again.

"We are walking slowly on the side too," he said.

But unfortunately, fate said otherwise. When the victim Muhamad Arifin Ilham (17) walked slowly and tried to overtake his uncle's motorbike, the victim's motorbike which was hit by a Fortuner driver was suspected of being drunk.

"My nephew suddenly raced me from left like this, eh immediately jeder (collised)," he explained.

Previously, Muhammad Arifin, a teenager who was an automatic motorcycle rider with number B 4576 TTS named Muhamad Arifin Ilham (17) became a victim of a hit-and-run by a black Fortuner car while crossing the Casablanca Non-Toll Flyover (JLNT), Setiabudi District, South Jakarta, Sunday morning, February 18.

The incident occurred at around 02.00 WIB. The victim was hit by a black Fortuner driver who was suspected of being drunk while driving.

The reason is, according to eyewitnesses of the incident, before the accident occurred, the car seemed to be walking zig zage or swerved to the left and right until it finally hit the motorbike the victim was driving.

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