Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board KH Yahya Cholil Staquf advised the elected president and vice president through the 2024 presidential election to keep all their promises, fear God, and love the people.

"Everything that becomes an idea, a vision, has been dedicated to the public. The promises have been made. We ask that this all be realized. If you want additional from the point of view of PBNU, once again as I have said before, be afraid of God and love this people," said Gus Yahya, KH Yahya Cholil Staquf's nickname at the PBNU building, Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Friday, February 16.

In the future, Gus Yahya also asked the elected president and vice president to continue the existing struggle to win the Indonesian nation.

He conveyed this in response to journalists' questions related to messages and hopes for the president and vice president to be elected through the 2024 presidential election.

Previously, Gus Yahya conveyed that PBNU appreciated all parties, ranging from the government, election organizers, to contestants and the public for the implementation of the 2024 General Election which was considered to be going well.

"On behalf of PBNU, I would like to congratulate the Indonesian people, especially to the government, election organizers, the contestants that the election process to the vote has been carried out well," he said.

In the future, Gus Yahya said that the public only needed to wait for the results of the 2024 General Elections Commission (KPU).

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