84 Percent Of Health Facilities In Gaza Affected By Hamas-Israel Conflict, UNRWA: There Is No Safe Place
Israeli military land operations in Gaza. (Source: Israel Defense Forces)

JAKARTA - Eight-four percent of health facilities in the Gaza Strip have been affected by attacks since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, the UN Agency for Assistance and Work (UNRWA) said on Friday.

In an upload on social media X, the agency released footage showing the destruction of civilian infrastructure in the region, including one of its health centers.

UNRWA said, in addition to damage to health facilities, more than 70 percent of civilian infrastructure had been "destroyed or badly damaged," he said.

"No place is safe," UNRWA said.

Last Thursday, the UN Humanitarian Affairs Coordination Office detailed the impact of the war on schools and water infrastructure in the region.

"About 392 schools (79 percent of the total school buildings in Gaza) were damaged, including 141 schools that were heavily damaged or destroyed", according to the latest report.

The agency said 92 percent of all school buildings in Gaza were used as shelters for Palestinian refugees.

The update also noted that only about 17 percent of the 284 groundwater wells in Gaza were operating, with 39 wells destroyed and 93 wells moderate to severe damage.

Meanwhile, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said they were very careful when choosing targets and not deliberately attacking civilian infrastructure.

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