Investigating The Case Of Hana Hanifah Involved In Online Gambling Promotion, South Jakarta Metro Police Will Involve The IT Team
Capture the screen of Hana Hanifah's post

The South Jakarta Metro Police are still investigating the alleged online gambling promotion case involving celebrity Hana Hanifah.

Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Henrikus Yossi, said that his party would coordinate with IT experts to investigate the alleged promotion of online gambling.

"Coordination and examination of experts. In this case, ITE experts," Yossi told reporters at the Mampang Praptan Police, Friday, February 16.

The IT team, Yossi continued, was involved because the report was filed with electronic documents.

"Because the report submitted or made is related to the suspicion of transmitting electronic documents that are suspected of being charged with gambling," he said.

"So it is very important for the investigative team to conduct an examination or coordination with ITE experts," he continued.

Regarding the status of Hana Hanifah herself, said Yossi, currently the reported party is still a witness. Therefore, to find out the alleged crime, his party has examined 5 witnesses.

"Sudah melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap lima orang saksi. Tiga orang saksi dari pihak pelapor, dan dua orang saksi yang diajukan dari pihak terlapor," ucapnya.

In addition, Hana Hanifah and her manager have also been investigated by the South Jakarta Metro Police investigation team.

"Then an examination of sister HH and also of her manager who knew about the post has also been carried out," he concluded

Hana Hanifah was reported to the South Jakarta Metro Police regarding the alleged promotion of online gambling by a reporter named Gurun. The report is registered with the number LP/B/1304/VI/2022/SPKT/POLRES METRO SOUTH JAKARTA.

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