JAKARTA - Secretary General (Secretary General) of the National Network of Activists (Jarnas) '98, Alexander Adi Saputra asked all campaign teams from the three pairs of candidates who participated in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) to be patient to receive the final results from the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU).

"We want all parties not to accuse each other. Actions accuse each other of only causing National instability. In the end, it is the people who suffer," Alexander said at the Jarnas Secretariat '98 on Jalan Cawang Baru Utara, Friday, February 16.

Alex, as soon as he was called, invited the entire winning team of candidate pairs from the lower to the national level, to carefully witness the 2024 presidential election process carried out by the KPU. Where, currently the KPU is carrying out the stages of vote counting and recapitulation in stages after the last voting.

"Don't accuse a little bit of cheating because of typos and data input. We are sure there is no fraud because each polling station already has a supervisory committee from Bawaslu. There are also witnesses from each party," he said.

Jarnas '98, said Alex, really appreciates the performance of the KPU and Bawaslu at the presidential election this time which took place in a lively and peaceful manner. From a number of reports, it is very rare to encounter severe chaos and casualties from the organizers who are participating.

"We also want the calculation and recapitulation to be carried out openly and transparently and attended by witnesses from each party," he said.

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