JAKARTA - The National Team for Winning Anies-Muhaimin (Timnas AMIN) responded to President Joko Widodo's statement asking all parties not only to accuse the 2024 election fraud without reporting it to the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) and the Constitutional Mahakamah (MK). The head of the National Law Team of the AMIN National Team, Ari Yusuf Amir, emphasized that the public really needs to know that the alleged fraud in the presidential-vice presidential elections did indeed occur. "This is our responsibility to the public. This is the voice of the people, the public must know that this mechanism has a problem. The process in the field, the process before the presidential election, during the presidential election, and after the presidential election, there are many problems. You have to know," Ari said at a press conference at the Coalition Secretariat. Change, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 15. Ari said that his party would definitely report a number of alleged election frauds ranging from vote inflation on the KPU Sirekap website, ballots that had been cast first, to the deployment of village officials not to be neutral. Although, Ari doubts Bawaslu will seriously process alleged election violations, reflecting on previous reports. "Mr. President, don't worry. We will also do that (report) even though we are actually pessimistic about doing that," said Ari. "Because we know, Bawaslu, KPU, so far our reports have been difficult to respond to but we will still do it. But the people must know, and the public must also understand and understand this condition," he continued. Previously, Jokowi said that if there was any finding of evidence of fraud in the 2024 election voting process, the public must immediately report and bring the evidence to Bawaslu and MK. "There is evidence, bring it directly to Bawaslu, there is evidence to bring it directly to the Constitutional Court," said President Jokowi after opening the 2024 Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) at JiExpo, Jakarta, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 15. He said the mitigation of fraud during the voting process had been implemented through the placement of witnesses from political parties, legislative candidates, to presidential and vice presidential candidates at polling stations (TPS). "At the TPS there is Bawaslu, there are also officers, there are pictures of them open. I think this layered supervision will eliminate fraud," said Jokowi.
But if there is indeed fraud, said Jokowi, there is a mechanism that has been regulated through the constitution, namely through Bawaslu and the trial mechanism in the Constitutional Court. "Everything has been arranged. So, don't scream cheating, report it," he added.

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