JAKARTA - Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia, Hasyim Asy'ari, emphasized that the re-voting mechanism does not come from the Indonesian KPU but determines, regional KPU or recommendations from the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu).

"According to the Election Law, the PSU (re-voting) decided whether or not the Regency/City KPU was necessary, of course it could be because of its own assessment because of Bawaslu's recommendations," said Hasyim at the KPU office, Jakarta, Thursday 15 February.

Hasyim explained that the re-voting mechanism began with the recommendation of the District Election Supervisory Committee (Panwascam) which works in the scope of polling stations (TPS).

Furthermore, Panwascam's recommendation was submitted to the District Election Committee (PPK) and then PPK reported it to the City/Regency KPU.

Meanwhile, polling stations that are considered to have the potential to re-vote at least meet a number of factors. These include being affected by natural disasters such as floods in Demak, or incidents such as the destruction of ballot logistics that occurred in Paniai Papua.

According to the Election Law, re-voting is carried out a maximum of 10 days after voting day.

Explained in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections article 372 paragraph (1) stipulates that voting at polling stations can be repeated if there is a natural disaster and / or riot that results result in the voting results cannot be used or the vote count cannot be carried out.

However, if within 10 days it is still not possible to carry out the PSU, the district/city KPU has the authority to determine further voting.

"For example, if the flood has not receded beyond 10 days, of course this situation is by district/city friends who have the authority to determine the follow-up vote, a note will be made in the minutes of special events," he said.

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