SRAGEN - Dozens of students at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Sragen nauseated and dizzy after eating snacks at a school event.
Head of the Sragen Regency Health Office, Udayanti Proborini, said that to be precise, there were 59 students and teachers who felt nauseous, vomiting, and dizzy.
"We received a report on the chronology or 11:00 WIB that there was an incident of suspected food poisoning at the Isra Mi'raj commemoration at SMK Muhammadiyah 3," he said in Sragen Regency, Central Java, quoted from Antara, Monday, February 12.
There were several children who experienced nausea, vomiting, and dizziness after eating snacks served at the event.
"Then the action was taken by taking him to the puskesmas and to the nearest hospital. The hospital happened to be at the Suratno Hospital and Assalam Hospital," he said.
Until this afternoon, all of the patients who had been rushed to the Suratno Hospital underwent outpatient treatment after observation. "Meanwhile, there is one who is being treated in Assalam. However, everything has improved," he said.
Meanwhile, his party has followed up on the alleged mass poisoning case by conducting an epidemiological investigation.
"We took care of the patient, took samples of food and water. We checked the water at the Labkesda, we checked the food at the Central Java Province health laboratory," he said.
He said there were two types of food in the snack, namely arem-arem and bread.
"It is possible that in the arem-arem because most of the complaints were found after eating arem-arem. After the incident, there were those who were nauseated and vomited. We got there the event was over," he said.
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