The Bandung Police Narcotics Investigation Unit arrested a man with the initials MTS (60) for planting 20 marijuana trees. This marijuana is consumed personally by the perpetrators. Bandung Police Chief Kombes Kusworo Wibowo revealed that the suspect MTS cultivated a marijuana tree in his yard in the Majalaya District, Bandung Regency, West Java. " “ Bandung Police succeeded in uncovering the case of planting marijuana seeds in the form of trees as many as 20 trees on February 7, 2024,“ Kusworo said at a press conference at the Bandung Police Headquarters, Antara, Tuesday, February 12. According to Kusworo, the suspect MTS has planted a cannabis tree for two years. The suspect got the cannabis plant seeds from one of his friends in 2021. “ Then sprinkled with this cannabis seeds in the yard in the area of his house. It turned out that three to four months of growth, then sprinkled back in several places until 20 cannabis trees grew, ” he said. Furthermore, he revealed that from the suspect's confession, during his two years of planting and harvesting the cannabis tree, he only consumed it privately and was not traded. However, said Kusworo, his party will continue to carry out further investigations related to the arrest of the suspect and the evidence of growing marijuana that was successfully secured. "We continue to investigate whether the person concerned has ever sold, have there ever been parties who became buyers of the cannabis plant planted by the suspect," he said. According to him, the case was revealed based on public reports, then reconnaissance was carried out until it was finally exposed.
"“Based on information at first, an investigation was carried out and for approximately two weeks the results of the investigation managed to arrest the suspect," said Kusworo. As a result of this act, the suspect MTS was charged with Article 114 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, with a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.

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