JAKARTA - The General Elections Commission (KPU) will immediately coordinate with the Jeddah Overseas Election Committee (PPLN) regarding the alleged voting letter in Saudi Arabia.

"The KPU will immediately coordinate with PPLN Jeddah to request further information regarding the video spread across the X (social media) account," said KPU member Idham Holik as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 12.

Previously, a video circulated on social media X telling the experience of a voter getting a ballot has been cast.

Idham explained that a voter can ask for a replacement ballot if he gets a ballot that has been cast or damaged. This has been regulated in the voting rules.

"The person concerned should have asked for a replacement from the LN KPPS (the group that organizes foreign voting). Now the question is whether the person concerned is when making the video is at the LN TPS (outerland polling station) or is it at the KSK (around ballot box) or not?" he said.

According to Idham, this question is important to explore so that the video will be followed up by the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu).

"I am sure that Bawaslu will follow up on this because the alleged violation of voting and vote count is the authority of Bawaslu's atributive," said Idham.

Previously, X's social media account, @brother_djon on Saturday (10/2) at 20.02 WIB tweeted: "Ustadz Abdul Wahid when nyoblos (nodes, ed) in Mecca) it turns out that number 2 has been cast, the real fraud Kisanak asstaghfirullah...."

The tweet until Monday at 12.20 WIB had received 14,000 accounts re-uploading, 46,000 accounts liking, and 3.2 million views.

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