JAKARTA - Head of the Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI), Benny Rhamdani, denied that he had abused power for the benefit of one of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
This was conveyed by Benny in response to the results of the exit poll for the 2024 General Election abroad circulating on social media (medsos).
Benny even admitted that he was surprised when he read the news regarding the results of the exit poll abroad which won one of the presidential and vice presidential pairs. Benny emphasized that he was in carrying out his duties as Head of BP2MI in managing the protection of migrant workers, always based on the rules and orders of the law.
"I am the Head of BP2MI, who has been taking care of Indonesian migrants, carrying out my duties according to the function and mandate of the law. And God willing, I am responsible for carrying out this task well," he said in Jakarta, Sunday, February 11.
Benny admitted that he was part of the winning team for one of the presidential and vice presidential candidates.
However, Benny emphasized that when he communicated with mass nodes abroad, he did not use the state budget or facilities. "It can be traced by any sophisticated tools, it does not use the official budget or BP2MI," he said.
He said that if he was accused of influencing migrant workers to voting for one of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates, it was baseless accusations. According to him, Indonesian migrant workers are intelligent people in determining their political choices so they do not need to be directed.
"PMI is already smart, PMI has a political choice for its political beliefs. So PMI does not need to be directed," he said.
Indonesian citizens in a number of countries have voted for the 2024 General Election, such as several countries in the Middle East, the United States, to Melbourne.
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