JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board Saifullah Yusuf said fraud issues always arise in every election of leaders, including the presidential election. “ I participated in direct elections many times. Governor election three times, mayor election too. The issue of cheating is always there, always coloring the process, ” said Gus Ipul, his nickname, in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, February 11. What is clear, continued the former Deputy Governor of East Java, is that the rules are clear enough to regulate when there is fraud or what the action is, the process, and how to prove it. In addition, he continued, during the election process there was also supervision, both carried out by Bawaslu and independent supervisors. " “ At TPS (voting stations) there are many witnesses, both official witnesses and those outside," he said. He admitted that he still believes that all parties involved in the election process will carry out their duties and functions according to their respective authorities. However, Gus Ipul invites all parties to jointly oversee and ensure that the election runs as expected. "Let's oversee it together so that the election is truly honest, fair, transparent, and open," he said.
After all the processes are running, said Gus Ipul, of course whatever the election results are, whoever wins, must be accepted.

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