JAKARTA - Indonesian citizens in Japan who have the right to vote at the polling station at Balai Indonesia, Sekolah Republik Indonesia Tokyo (SRIT), Sunday (11/2).
TPS is open starting at 08.00 local time and prospective voters have started queuing at locations divided into three polling stations.
One of the voters from Kanagawa, Hidayat Polim (33) admitted that he chose to exercise voting rights at the polling station so that he could feel the atmosphere of the democratic party.
"You can immediately feel the euphoria for the election because once every five years," he said, quoted by Antara.
To elect a presidential and vice presidential candidate, he said he was digging for information through the news and debate of the presidential and vice presidential candidates.
Hidayat advised Indonesian citizens in foreign Maupjn to exercise their voting rights to determine the fate of the nation for the next five years.
The same thing was conveyed by Risky Revily (27), who used his voting rights abroad for the first time.
"I'm really excited, yes, it's really crowded with people who are also enthusiastic," he said.
Regarding determining the presidential candidate's choice, Risky said he was sure because he had met the candidate he chose.
"If I had time to meet one of the presidential candidates in Bata. So, what about the person. The vision and mission are also in accordance with what I want with myself," he said.
Risky appealed to voters to vote and not abstain.
"The right to choose is important. Don't abstain because you determine Indonesia in the future," he said.
Both admitted that they did not have any difficulties when registering or when using their voting rights.
The election at TPS will be held on Sunday, February 11, 2024. However, for the simultaneous vote count on February 14-15, 2024.
Prospective voters are required to bring an invitation letter that has been sent by PPLN Tokyo via post and identity card in the form of an ID card or passport.
Based on data from PPLN Tokyo, there were a total of 29,434 voters, 18,334 women and 11,100 men.
Meanwhile, there were 2,847 voters who would vote at the TPS, 26,587 voters by post.
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