JAKARTA - The government of Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Timur Regency, South Sumatra, received a Blue Decree or land management rights certificate from President Joko Widodo in the Tanah Obyek Reforma Agrarian (Tora) program in 2024.

The Regent of East OKU, Lanosin Hamzah in Martapura, Sunday, said that the determination of the Blue Decree covers 1,778 plots of land spread across five sub-districts in the region.

He said, one of the villages in East OKU that got the most was Mendah Village, Jayapura District with a total of 1,143 plots of land.

The Regent of Lanosin reminded the recipients of the Blue Decree, according to the direction of the President, all land provided must be productive and no one should be abandoned.

The land provided must be managed properly so that it can be a driving force for the economy of the people in the region.

"This is what we must be grateful for by utilizing the land as well as possible so that it is hoped that it can improve the welfare of the people in East OKU," he said, quoted from Antara, Sunday.

Meanwhile, the Head of the East OKU Bappeda, Marius Markus added that the Blue SK issuance process was not easy, because it had to go through many challenges.

He explained that the process of distributing land to the community is estimated to take place in July 2024 because it has to go through various existing procedures.

"In that period, it is also hoped that all levels of society will not cause problems, both technical and non-technical, so that the land redistribution process runs smoothly," he said.

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