JAKARTA - Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs, Ali Bagheri Kani, emphasized the importance of maintaining maritime security in the waters of the Red Sea.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs said that by stopping attacks on Gaza, the right conditions could be created to restore stability in the Red Sea.

Bagheri Kani conveyed this when he met Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu in Beijing, according to a statement on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, February 10.

During his meeting with Ma, Bagheri Kani said Tehran believed that the Israeli regime's attacks on Gaza should be stopped as quickly as possible and that Tehran rejects any coercion of solutions against the Palestinian people.

Bagheri Kani expressed Tehran's willingness to resolve Iran's nuclear issues through political and diplomatic channels. The Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister hopes that all relevant parties will show their seriousness and commitment to their obligations.

He also said Tehran was trying to strengthen communications and coordination with Beijing to promote peace and stability in a regional and global context.

Mengakui upaya Tehran dalam menjaga hubungan dengan pihak terkait, Ma menegaskan dukungan kuat China terhadap Rencana Aksi Komprehensif Bersama (JCPOA), yang umumnya dikenal dengan perjanjian nuklir Iran.

China is actively advocated for political resolutions to Iran's nuclear issues, Ma said.

Regarding the situation in the Red Sea, Ma also connected the current situation with the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip.

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