JAKARTA - The vice presidential candidate Gibran Rakabuming Raka received five aspiration points from young people who are members of Cipayung Plus.

"The five points I received are the sustainability and improvement of the big narrative from the Prabowo-Gibran pair," said Gibran in a statement quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 9.

The following are the contents of the five aspirations conveyed by activists to Gibran. First, stick to and be loyal to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution in carrying out the mandate of the nation's founders.

Second, fighting for the agenda and aspirations of Indonesian students and the Indonesian student movement to realize the ideals of Indonesian independence.

Third, continue the national leadership relay to maintain the continuity of national development.

Fourth, maintaining unity and integrity, national diversity and solidarity among the nation's children to build national independence and strength in winning global competition.

Fifth, continue the struggle in helping and achieving the independence of the Palestinian people, which has been started from President Soekarno to President Joko Widodo, as a form of commitment in realizing world peace.

Gibran also appreciated the enthusiasm of the youths who wanted to give aspirations in the form of these five points.

He admitted that his meeting with young people always produced new ideas and perspectives in running the government.

Gibran ensured that he would implement the five points, especially those related to the field of economic strengthening when elected later.

Pembangunan yang tidak lagi Jawa sentris, masalah ekonomi kreatif, ekonomi digital, hilimasi. Jadi nanti mohon doanya agar kami bisa melaksanakan manjiban ini," ujar Gibran.

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