SEMARANG - Diponegoro University Semarang academic community, consisting of professors, lecturers, and students, delivered statements regarding the latest political situation in the country ahead of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

The statement of attitude was conveyed in an action entitled "Indonesia in Democracy Emergency" which took place at Undip Inspiration Park, in front of Widya Puraya Building, Undip, Semarang, Central Java, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 7.

"(Action) Today occurred (as) a form of full concern from fellow professors, lecturers, and especially students, supported by alumni," said Professor of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) Undip Prof. Suradi Wijaya Saputra representing the participants of the action.

There were also a number of Undip professors who took part in the action, namely Professor of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Prof. Muhammad Nur, DEA and Professor of the Faculty of Law (FH) Prof. LitaTyasta.

At least, there are five points of attitude statement from the Undip academic community.

First, restore the purpose of establishing the law, because the law is actually made as a tool to achieve the goals of the state and not to achieve power.

Second, ensure the implementation of a safe and peaceful democratic party, as well as without intimidation and fear, in accordance with the corridors of their respective authorities, duties, and responsibilities.

Third, urge state officials to re-enforce the pillars of Pancasila democracy, along with today's democratic life that is not appropriate and has experienced setbacks.

Fourth, call on all elements of the nation to uphold ethics and morals in democracy to save the life of the nation and state from more severe damage.

Fifth, urge all Indonesian people as state sovereignty holders to jointly be at the forefront of guarding the life of democracy, nation and state.

"This concern, especially starting with the collapse of ethics and morals since the Constitutional Court Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 which was followed by ethical violations in democratic life," said Suradi.

Through this call, Undip's academic community hopes that ethical violations in democracy will not be passed on to the younger generation, let alone be considered as good.

"Please be our common record, don't cultivate it, don't be preserved, we have to break it until today. It must be realized in us taking decisions depending on our conscience and common mind in assessing. We have absolutely no interest in (political, ed.) choices, but we only have an interest that moral and ethical values must be upheld," said Suradi with the agreed by the participants. action.

The action was attended by around 30 professors, lecturers, and student executive bodies (BEM) throughout Undip to make the younger generation aware of the process of democracy in the country.

"We represent academics, not on behalf of the institution, but as members of the community at the Undip campus. We underline that there is an obligation as a cavitasakademic to make good elections according to their respective consciences," he said.

In addition, Suradi also invited the entire community to jointly oversee the 2024 General Election process as well as possible until the final stage so that democracy would run properly.

Previously, the academic community from various universities also conveyed statements of attitudes, such as UGM, University of Indonesia, Universitas Airlangga, and State University of Surabaya (Unesa).

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