JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin hopes that the cooperation between Indonesia and Al Azhar University of Egypt can increase the number of moderate scholars in the country.

"Indonesia has a vision to increase the number of moderate scholars, including alumni from Al Azhar," said Vice President Ma'ruf when meeting with Grand Syakh Al Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayeb, at the Emirates Palace Hotel, Abu Dhabi, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 5.

The Vice President conveyed that cooperation in the field of education between the Government of Indonesia and Egypt continues to run well, one of which is Al-Azhar University, which is known to have moderate understanding in its teaching system.

According to the Vice President, scholars can transmit the values of brotherhood in their daily lives, wherever they are through moderate understanding.

The Vice President assessed that scholars are expected to be role models that spread human values, friendship and peace.

For this reason, the Vice President also appreciated the commitment of Al Azhar University in voicing Wasatiyyah Islamic values through the world of education.

"I really appreciate the cooperation between Indonesian education and Al-Azhar in order to strengthen the solidarity of Muslims through education, especially in spreading Wasatiyyah Islamic values," said Ma'ruf.

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