PT Transport Jakarta (TransJakarta) has removed the 7E route service bound for Kampung Rambutan-Ragunan since Thursday (1/2) because it is located on another route.

"The real point is that we evaluate the route because there are many narrow routes. The 7E route is narrowed by route 7A (Kampung Rambutan-Lebak Bulus)," said TransJakarta President Director Welfizon Yuza as reported by ANTARA, Friday, February 2.

Welfizon said the removal of the 7E route was to optimize TransJakarta service facilities in serving passengers for the better.

"So there are too many narrowed routes, we are trying to evaluate them. We have a target, one is related to services for the community, that's the main thing," said Welfizon.

In addition, TransJakarta also has a target, one of which is related to passenger services. "So that PT TransJakarta evaluates routes that have a low productivity level and can still be served by other routes," he said.

Evaluation of TransJakarta service routes, said Welfizon, is still continuing, not only related to the evaluation of route closures, but also modifications of bus stops to the addition of fleets. TransJakarta routes that do require more fleets can be reallocated for quiet passengers.

"So routes that are not used too much by the community can be used for other routes. Later we will transfer the units, dense routes," he said.

"This means that 'headway' and all kinds of things must be achieved, but on the other hand we have to optimize subsidies or PSOs provided by the DKI Provincial Government," said Welfizon.

The termination of the TransJakarta route service was informed through a social media account, namely @PT_Transjakarta since the end of January 2024.

"TiJe's friend, Transjakarta service route 7E: Kampung Rambutan-Ragunan last operates on Thursday, February 1, 2024. Thank you to all customers who have used route 7E," said the information submitted through the company's account.

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