North Sumatra's Muhammadiyah (North Sumatra) assessed that the Medan Bawaslu official with the initials AH (32) and a member of the Commissioner of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Padang Sidempuan with the initials PL who was involved in the extortion case against legislative candidates for the 2024 General Election had mortgaged his integrity.

"They also insulted their own intellectuality," said Chairman of the Legal and Human Rights Council of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders of North Sumatra Farid Wajdi in Medan, Tuesday, January 30, as reported by Antara.

The academic at the University of Muhammadiyah, North Sumatra (UMSU) asked the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) to strengthen its duties to KPU and Bawaslu members as part of the election organizers.

In accordance with Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, DKPP can impose sanctions on election organizers who are proven to have violated the code of ethics.

"DKPP must strengthen the warning that abuse of authority is not only a matter of ethical violations but also has the potential to become a criminal offense with severe sanctions. Those shoes are a lesson," said Farid.

He also asked the KPU and Bawaslu, both at the provincial and district levels of North Sumatra, to increase internal supervision.

"One or two people can manipulate ignorance, but rest assured, as if the squirrel is jumping, it will definitely fall too," he said. To law enforcers, Farid hopes not to selectively selective and impose sanctions according to the rules applicable to AH and PL

"From existing cases, law enforcement needs to share the perception that the 2024 election is for the benefit of the nation and state," said Farid.

Previously, the North Sumatra Police arrested the Coordinator of the Medan Public Prevention and Participation Division and Public Relations Bawaslu with the initials AH and a member of the Padang Sidempuan KPU Commissioner with the initials PL related to the alleged extortion of victims of legislative candidates.

The disclosure of this case began with the North Sumatra Police Illegal Sweeping Team (Saber Pungli) carrying out a hand arrest operation (OTT) against AH at a hotel in Medan City on November 14, 2023.

The OTT also arrested two men with the initials IG (25) and FH (29).

Ketiganya terjaring OTT Polda Sumut saat menerima uang atas dugaan pemerasan kepada salah satu caleg yang diduga dipercahayakan saat mengurus dokumen dokumen persyaratan.

In the development of this case investigation, the North Sumatra Police then arrested PL.

Then, on Saturday 27 January, the Saber Extortion Team of the North Sumatra Police arrested Padangsidimpuan KPU personnel with a similar suspicion, namely extortion.

The evidence from this disclosure is money worth tens of millions of rupiah.

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