BANTUL - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the products produced by housewives who are customers of the Prosperous Family Economic Development Program (Mekaar) in Yogyakarta have global competitiveness because of their affordable prices.

"I was in front of buying pants. How much do these pants cost? I paid Rp. 15 thousand. What does it mean? This is very cheap and very competitive and can compete with other countries if the price is Rp. 15 thousand," said President Jokowi when buying a number of customer products for the Mekaar Madani National Capital Development program (PNM) at the Keyuan Kidul Sabdodadi Field, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Tuesday, January 30, confiscated by Antara.

Furthermore, the head of state believes that the product in the form of batik pants will sell well if it is sold to markets such as Africa. The President encourages the product to be exported in large quantities.

"The price is Rp. 15 thousand, which means 1 dollar, it will sell. I will give this guarantee. Let African people wear all batik pants," said Jokowi.

The seller of the pants, Sumini Siti Aisyah, said that she had been a customer of PNM Mekaar since 2017. The product was made with a capital loan of IDR 2 million.

"I started joining it in 2017, the first ceiling was Rp. 2 million, now it has entered Rp. 9 million. Thank God the business is developing," he said.

"From the start, I moved from Jakarta, moved to the village to take care of my parents. So I wanted to try to be confused. Finally, I convection, Alhamdulillah it was running," he continued.

Over time, Sumini's efforts have continued to grow until now, he has a turnover of around Rp. 5 million per week. After deducting Mekaar's installments, Sumini said that her net income was around Rp. 1.5 million.

"Every week it can be Rp. 5 million, but it's dirty. Luckily it's around Rp. 1.5 million. It's already a cut in installments, so it's clean. It's okay to help the family's economy, it takes a lot," he said.

Sumini also hopes that the Mekaar Program can continue in the future despite the change of government. According to him, Mekaar has helped mothers in helping the family's economy.

"Hopefully it will continue even if you change the president. Actually, it's really hard for the economy of mothers like us. Because if we borrow from someone, it's not necessarily okay. If this is the case, it's helped, the installments are rough, it's not too heavy either, the interest isn't too high, it's not like moneylenders, right," he said.

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