Presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan said the existence of outsourced workers is one proof that the omnibus law in the Job Creation Act is currently problematic.

"Outsourcing is one proof that there is a problem, proof that the omnibuslaw is problematic," said Anies at the Ojol and Labor edition "Desak &Selepet AMIN" event reported by ANTARA, Monday, January 29.

In order for this to be fair, according to Anies, the principleaness of hiring, easy finishing (easy recruitment, easy stopping workers) should not be continued. What should be done is selectively recruiting and selectively stopping workers.

"And as much as possible prioritize the status of being a permanent worker, while ensuring that workers continue to increase their skills, competence. So, it takes two million, both need to be both, on the one hand provide job certainty, on the other hand, the workers increase skills, and the state must be present for workers to improve their competence and skills so that it can be beneficial (fair)," said Anies.

Anies said that the vice presidential candidate Muhaimin Iskandar when he was Minister of Manpower in 2012 had made rules to limit workers from changing power so that at least if asked not only plans, there is a track record.

"Then it must be in the ministry or outside that specifically monitors these outsourced practices to ensure that there are allowances, there is fulfillment of their rights properly. Cannot layoffs (relationships) at will and all obligations that must be fulfilled by the company," he said.

Anies views that the practice of workers changing power is not a practice that should be continued. In the future, Anies wants to involve trade unions, cross-field experts, and entrepreneurs to regulate good power transfer practices.

Anies emphasized that it is not a power transfer worker who always has problems, but an unfair practice of workers, which does not provide equal benefits for both parties.

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