JAKARTA - A number of volunteers supporting presidential and vice presidential candidates number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, launched the Suara Awal.id application. The digital platform was made as a means of political education for Millennials and Gen Z at the same time, as well as guarding Prabowo-Gibran's voice at the TPS.

The National Coordinator of Suara early morning.id, Mohammad Iqbal, explained that this application is an implementation of the digital downstream program submitted by the vice presidential candidate number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the vice presidential debate some time ago. Moreover, the majority of voters in the 2024 election are young people.

"We will use this application for digital campaigns in the two weeks leading up to the election. This is important considering that the majority of our voters are Millennials and Gen Z," said Iqbal in Kertanegara, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Monday, January 29.

"There will be information regarding the location of the nearest TPS. Then there is a simulation of ballots so that the Millennials and Gen Z are not awkward when they are at the sound booth," he continued.

Iqbal hopes that the early Sound.id application can educate Millennials and Gen Z, who have been known to be apathy to politics, will become active. Mainly, they are willing to come to the TPS and exercise their voting rights on February 14.

"This is our concrete step to minimize golput and win Prabowo-Gibran one round," said Iqbal.

Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), Dedek Prayudi, appreciated the launch of the digital platform Suara morning.id, which was initiated by volunteers supporting Prabowo-Gibran. According to him, this is one proof of how much people want to be led by Prabowo Subianto.

"I heard that this application was funded by volunteers without using TKN money. This means that the sincerity of building Indonesia, which has been exemplified by Pak Prabowo, has spread to the level of volunteers and the community," said Dedek.

According to Dedek, this application is quite easy to operate. He also appealed to volunteers to also educate those closest to them using this application. Most importantly, accompany Prabowo-Gibran's voice at the TPS on February 14.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't hesitate, if you want Indonesia to come forward and unite, then February 14 invite their Millennial children and Gen Z who are usually lazy to wake up early. Let's wake up their brothers and sisters, their children, to go to the TPS and win Prabowo-Gibran," said Dedek.

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