WEST PAPUA - Deputy Head (Waka) of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Lieutenant General TNI I Nyoman Cantiasa checked the readiness of the land which is the location for the construction of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building in West Papua Province. "This working visit to Manokwari intends to check the land readiness to be built by the PYCH building," Cantiasa said when he arrived at Rendani Manokwari Airport, West Papua, Monday, January 29, which was confiscated by Antara. Cantiasa explained that the PYCH building was used as a center for empowerment of the potential and creativity of the indigenous Papuan youth. He said the building would later be managed by the Papua Muda Inspirational organization in providing guidance for young talents in a number of sectors such as agriculture, plantations, MSMEs, and other creative arts businesses. "So that young Papuans can work and contribute to developing the creative economy," said the former Commander of Kodam XVIII/Kasuari.
Cantiasa said that the central government through BIN is targeting the construction of the West Papua PYCH infrastructure located in Manokwari to begin in 2024. Therefore, he said, BIN continues to coordinate with the local government to complete all land grant mechanisms according to needs which are then followed up with development. "This year the construction must be completed, that's why we discussed it with the local government," said Cantiasa. According to him, the location of the PCYH West Papua building must be strategic and easy to reach from various transportation accesses, because it will become an icon for Manokwari, a city of civilization in Papua. The West Papua PCYH building will be built by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), with a target completion of one year. "There are several points in the building, after the groundbreaking is carried out, the Ministry of PUPR will work on it," he said.

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