JAKARTA - Senior PDI-P politician (PDIP), Andreas Hugo Pareira, supports the Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP) who asked Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to withdraw his statement about the president being allowed to campaign.

Hugo assessed that Jokowi should be able to separate himself between his time to become president and father of Cawapres number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka. "Jokowi should be able to separate himself from when he is Jokowi the President of the Republic of Indonesia who is the chief executive and head of state, and when Jokowi is a personal father of Gibran and Kaesang," Andreas told reporters, Monday, January 29. According to Andreas Muhammadiyah is one of the largest Islamic organizations in the country. Where this organization also becomes the guardian of ethics and morals in the life of the nation and state. Therefore he agreed with PP Muhammadiyah, so that Jokowi withdraws the statement that the president may side and campaign for one of the candidate pairs that are contested in the 2024 presidential election. The DPR member invited Jokowi if he wanted to campaign. Provided, Andreas said, Jokowi must be on leave and not use state facilities. "Don't always play in a gray region and can be desired. Good morning to speak A afternoon B," he said. Previously, the Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP) urged President Jokowi to withdraw the statement that the president could campaign and side with him.

Chairman of the Legal and Human Rights Council PP Muhammadiyah Trisno Raharjo assessed that President Jokowi's statement could not only be seen from normed glasses. But it must also be seen from a philosophical, ethical, and technical point of view.

In a normative point of view, Trisno admitted, in Article 299 paragraph (1) of the Presidential Election Law and Vice President have the right to participate in the campaign. However, according to him, this provision cannot only be seen as a norm separate from the principles and principles of holding elections, which includes campaign activities.

He said the implementation of the campaign should be seen as not only a place to introduce political contest participants, but should be seen as part of public political education as regulated in Article 267 paragraph (1) of the Election Law.

"How is it possible that public political education will be achieved if the President and Vice President (who are active in office) then promote one of the contestants, with (very likely) confirming other contestants," Trisno said in a written statement, Saturday, January 27.

Meanwhile, in the philosophical aspect, he continued, the president as head of state is the leader of all the people. Where in him is attached to moral and legal responsibilities in all aspects of state life, including elections.

"On the other hand, the president is the highest government power holder bound by the basic principles that must be adhered to. For example, ensuring the holding of elections with integrity and ensuring that their successor is a figure with integrity," he said.

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