The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Lahat Regency, South Sumatra (Sumsel), formed a team to build evacuation posts for residents affected by flash floods in the area. "The team is a village team that we have prepared to flood areas and to establish a post and guard the post to evacuate and assist flood-affected residents in villages," said Head of the Emergency Management Division of the South Sumatra Province BPBD, Sudirman, Sunday, January 28, confiscated by Antara. He added that BPBD deployed two units of cars for mobilization and rescue cars. In addition, there were also fiber boats as many as two units and three rafting boats. Evacuation has been carried out through the implementing team, namely the TRC BPBD Lahat, TNI, Polri, and local residents. South Sumatra BPBD coordinates, data collection, with BPBD Lahat, Then the BPBD Lahat team immediately went to the location affected by the flash flood and evacuated residents who needed assistance. He said that flooding had occurred since Saturday, yesterday, with heights up to one meter and water have now begun to recede.

Ia menuturkan, banjir itu merendam beberapa desa, di antaranya Desa Pelajaran, Kecamatan Jarai dengan jumlah rumah sebanyak 132 rumah terendam. Kemudian Desa Tanjung Agung, Kecamatan Suka Merindu sebanyak 33 rumah terendam selain itu persawahan seluas 15 hektar, perkebunan 24 hektar, peternakan ikan sebanyak 22 kolam ikan.Lalu, Desa Ulak Bandung, Kecamatan Pajar Bulan sebanyak 100 rumah terendam, 50 hektar sawah, 80 hektar kebun, dan ada satu jembatan penghubung antar desa.Kemudian Kecamatan Lahat meliputi RT. 07 sebanyak sembilan rumah warga terendam, RT.08 sebanyak 28 rumah terendam."Kondisinya saat ini ratusan rumah warga terendam dengan ketinggian air satu hingga satu setengah meter. Namun air mulai berangsur surut," tandasnya.

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