JAKARTA - Siti Atikoh, who is the wife of presidential candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo, usually reports public complaints after he has blusukan in various regions. He stated that only this effort could be done because the matter of implementing the policy was the domain of her husband.

"If it's for aspirations, yes. But for implementation, it's certainly not my domain. I'm part of the people's tongue extension, as a person who also conveys his aspirations to Mas Ganjar," said Atikoh after blusukan at Bondowoso Main Market, East Java, Thursday, January 25.

Not only that, usually there are reports of blusukan results compiled by Atikoh. Later, the two of them will discuss to find out which problems are most faced by the community.

Meanwhile, when blusukan at Bondowoso Main Market, there were a number of traders who shared with Atikoh. One of them is an onion and potato trader named Ibu Edi.

"How much ma'am, the price of onions?", Atikoh asked the merchant.

"Rp 32 thousand sekilo," replied Edi.

Edi then said that all commodities rose not only onion but garlic. "Red onions and garlic are needed for a day, mothers," said Atikoh.

After a dialogue, Atikoh also bought onions for one kilo. "Hopefully the price can be normal again," continued the trader.

Not only that, Atikoh also received a vent from a chili trader whose price rose to Rp32 thousand. Even though it was only yesterday that the price was Rp. 25 thousand per kilo.

He then toured the market to inspect the stalls of traders. Atikoh also bought the goods being sold.

Many traders and residents in the market asked for photos and were scrambling to shake hands with Atikoh. Ganjar's wife served one by one the requests of traders and residents.

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